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Care Quality Commission Inspections 

The Abbey Residential Home was inspected in 2022 and received an overall rating of Good. The full inspection can be found here

Making a Compliment, Suggestion or Complaint

Here at The Abbey we always strive to give the best service and welcome feedback- both positive and negative.

Often people feel more comfortable suggesting improvements than complaining formally. Suggestions can be made by anyone receiving services, or their friends/family. To make a suggestion you can:

  • Speak to the Manager or their Deputy or any member of staff

  • Utilise the suggestion box if found near the front door, where you will find a pen and paper


The Complaints and Suggestions box is checked every day by a manger. These can be made anonymously, but if you include your details on the form a manger will respond to you directly.


The full complaints suggestion and compliments policy can be found here.

Privacy Notice.

We are fully compliant with our legal obligations in respect of how we process, maintain and share your information. To view our  full Privacy Notice, please click here

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